An Agile HR approach to goal setting that accounts for short term tendency to overestimate and long term tendancy to underestimate 24 July 2019 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) Humans are good at underestimating the progress that can be made in the long term but overestimating progress that will be made in the short term.How do you set goals that will motivate short term achievement without setting people up to fail, whilst not being too lax so that long term progress is stymied?We think we have an approach that creates continuous striving to do better whilst still being psychologically safe by avoiding over-commitment, [More]
Goal tracking, targets, rating scales and more are easily added to your forms 28 November 2018 David-Perks Product Announcements (0) Use the new number field type in your feedback forms and surveys to capture goals and targets, monetary amounts, or to create your own rating scales.All of the information will be analysed in realtime to provide a box and whisker chart and histogram. [More]
Gender bias in the language of performance review and feedback 28 November 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) A study of gender bias in the language used in performance reviews of women compared to performance reviews of men based upon over 750 real time feedback interactions finds that there is indeed a marked difference in the nature of feedback provided. [More]
The one place where diversity is not what you should be aiming for 11 October 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) Diversity is a hot topic around the boardroom table at the moment, Should there be quotas for female leaders, what about the gender pay gap, how can we do the right thing by our minorities, and do we have the diversity of thought to drive innovation? These are all good questions for management to spend time on, but in one key area diversity is to the detriment of culture and until that area is tackled the rest may not matter. [More]
Watch the replay of our thought leadership in Feedback Analytics in this Head Heart + Brain breakfast webinar 11 July 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management, Events (0) We join Jan Hills of Head Heart + Brain to run through case studies of feedback analytics and what they can reveal about your people culture. [More]