Gender bias in the language of performance review and feedback 28 November 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) A study of gender bias in the language used in performance reviews of women compared to performance reviews of men based upon over 750 real time feedback interactions finds that there is indeed a marked difference in the nature of feedback provided. [More]
Autonomy: Self-driving workers on our journey to Agile Performance Management 17 July 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management, The Journey (1) When we are on the verge of trusting vehicles to drive themselves, why are there stiil issues preventing workers from being trusted to self-drive at work?Is management preservation preventing progress in the way that people are led? [More]
Alternate Route: Embracing conflict on your journey to Agile Performance Management 21 March 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management, The Journey (0) Many people and organisations understandably try to avoid conflict because it can be uncomfortable.The alternative is to change your attitude to conflict and embrace it as a way to learn from differing opinions, each of which may bring incremental value to the situation. [More]