An Agile HR approach to goal setting that accounts for short term tendency to overestimate and long term tendancy to underestimate 24 July 2019 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) Humans are good at underestimating the progress that can be made in the long term but overestimating progress that will be made in the short term.How do you set goals that will motivate short term achievement without setting people up to fail, whilst not being too lax so that long term progress is stymied?We think we have an approach that creates continuous striving to do better whilst still being psychologically safe by avoiding over-commitment, [More]
Goals: Are goals the only way (or even the best way) to motivate high performance? Give way to alternatives on your journey to Agile Performance Management 12 May 2019 David-Perks Agile Performance Management, The Journey (1) Goal setting has been the de facto standard for motivating high performance. Consultants and traditionalists advocate SMART goals, and startups favour the variant of Objective and Key Results (OKR's) made famous by Google. What if you've found goals don't inspire your people, or you've found goals are the predominant cause of stress in your workplace? Are there alternatives to goals and how can people do their best work without goals? We propose 2 alternatives. [More]
Agile KPI's for the modern workplace 26 February 2019 David-Perks Agile Performance Management, Product Announcements (0) The future of work looks different than in the past. Specifically, the speed of decisions, disruptive business models, use of remote workers and even the shift from permanent employees are factors that influence the way people must be provided with direction and held to account. Unlike conventional annual KPIs, agile KPIs change often, may not be cascaded from the corporation down through line managers, and may have diverse measurement not just dollars and counters. KPIs in the agile organisation have to be decentralised to keep pace. How can this be done whilst maintaining an overall view of performance across the orgnaisation? [More]
Goal tracking, targets, rating scales and more are easily added to your forms 28 November 2018 David-Perks Product Announcements (0) Use the new number field type in your feedback forms and surveys to capture goals and targets, monetary amounts, or to create your own rating scales.All of the information will be analysed in realtime to provide a box and whisker chart and histogram. [More]
Are sterile goals preventing viral employee engagement? 10 September 2018 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) When it comes to inspiring people through goals, the old approach of setting SMART goals often misses the key to engaging staff with goals.If you align the persons life goals and strengths to the needs of the organisation, you end in a much better place of buy-in.Think of it as needs and strengths alignment, not goal alignment and you can take a SMARTER approach to your goal setting process. [More]