New features released to simplify real time feedback and agile performance management 03 October 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management, Product Announcements (0) We practice what we preach as a real time feedback platform and are continuously listening to our customers. The changes and new features in this release of Pay Compliment are based on your feedback of ways to make it even easier for managers to continuously coach their people and for people to maximize value of agile performance management. [More]
How the Network Strength indicator will help you maximize the potential of real time feedback by fostering a habit of frequent interactions and coaching conversations 03 October 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management, Product Announcements (0) Starting a habit to give and get real time feedback or have continuous coaching conversations is hard. The network chart at the top of your feedback stream is designed to help you form a frequent habit to give and get feedback. Now to measure the effectiveness of your feedback habits we have introduced "Network Strength" [More]
If you're not getting enough feedback, how should you ask for more? 19 September 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) Leaders are busy, feedback is uncomfortable, if I wait there may be more useful guidance coming. When there's always a good excuse for too little feedback, how should you ask for more? [More]
How often do people need feedback when frequent feedback or continuous coaching is introduced? 16 September 2017 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) What's the best frequency for giving feedback when you're asked to have continuous coaching conversations? It's not a timeframe. It's any time you see one of these 20 prompts to give feedback. [More]
New Features Released Especially For Large Enterprises 12 September 2017 David-Perks Product Announcements (0) As larger enterprises embrace the movement to Agile Performance Management and real time feedback conversations, we've added some features to make administration and management easier.Go here for a demo ...... [More]