Goal tracking, targets, rating scales and more are easily added to your forms 28 November 2018 David-Perks Product Announcements (0) Use the new number field type in your feedback forms and surveys to capture goals and targets, monetary amounts, or to create your own rating scales.All of the information will be analysed in realtime to provide a box and whisker chart and histogram. [More]
Opening Up: Embedding in the moment HR into the employee experience 14 November 2018 David-Perks Agile Performance Management, Product Announcements (0) Immersive employee experiences require integration which should be achievable without the expense and time of involving the IT department. Here's how we support low friction employee engagement and news of some recent advancements we've made in being easy to integrate. [More]
Are sterile goals preventing viral employee engagement? 10 September 2018 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) When it comes to inspiring people through goals, the old approach of setting SMART goals often misses the key to engaging staff with goals.If you align the persons life goals and strengths to the needs of the organisation, you end in a much better place of buy-in.Think of it as needs and strengths alignment, not goal alignment and you can take a SMARTER approach to your goal setting process. [More]
Do you recall that praise that I gave you? 29 August 2018 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) Do you have an appreciation effectiveness gap? If so you’re missing out on the motivational effects of afterglow. The fix for this is very simple and the effect is very strong. [More]
Flipping reviews: Addressing the threat of real-time peer to peer feedback 08 August 2018 David-Perks Agile Performance Management (0) Whilst public consumer review sites empower the reviewer, this is threatening for employees in a workplace providing real-time review platforms for peer to peer feedback. [More]